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Полная версия: Кролик показывает в России
Форум о карликовых кроликах и шиншиллах > Выставки > Выставки кроликов

Я надеюсь, что Вы можете понять мой русский язык. Я использую проножку автоматического перевода, потому что я не живу в России. Я живу в Швеции там я размножающийся в кроликах.

Я надеюсь, что это - правильный форум, чтобы объявить эту тему в

И я присоединился к этому форуму, потому что это это кажется очень хорошим.

Я имею некоторые вопросы о российском показе кролика.

Это походит на Вас, только показывают Карликовые породы, почему?

Имейте Россию много показов кролика каждый год?

Когда Вы судите кролика, Вы имеете масштаб пункта?

Кролик размножается популярный в России?

Второй был бы очень хорошим, если Вы могли бы сказать мне немного о показах кролика и кролике, размножающемся в России.

И пожалуйста упал свободный спросить если Вы wounder кое-что обо мне!

Amanda Galfvensjö BUNNYS.gif
Amanda Whether you speak on English? Can so to you easily?
Цитата(M_a_r_g_o @ 31.8.2007, 20:14) *

Amanda Whether you speak on English? Can so to you easily?

I speak English pretty well
Your translation into Russian is very not clear. Exhibitions are spent to Russia with the dwarfish rabbit, chinchilla the Rabbit of meat breeds (greater) are not exposed at exhibitions with an estimation. What rabbits at you? Breed?

In Russia display dwarfish rabbits is not enough years. Displays happen in the spring, winter and autumn. And basically in greater cities. Moscow and S.Peterburg
Цитата(M_a_r_g_o @ 31.8.2007, 20:36) *

Your translation into Russian is very not clear. Exhibitions are spent to Russia with the dwarfish rabbit, chinchilla the Rabbit of meat breeds (greater) are not exposed at exhibitions with an estimation. What rabbits at you? Breed?

In Russia display dwarfish rabbits is not enough years. Displays happen in the spring, winter and autumn. And basically in greater cities. Moscow and S.Peterburg

In Sweden we have about 60 different breeds in our "Standard of perfection". That I wonder was why you only have dwarf breeds in your "Standard of perfection".

I breeding at Swedish fur, Trönder (Nordic breeds) and New Zealand White rabbits. I'm breeding for showing.

But it's sad that rabbit breeding is so unpopular in Sweden. Our rabbit association only have about 2,000 members.
When we judge rabbits on display at us in Russia to look weight of the rabbit (we weigh on весы), measurement ears, a head, groats, to look color, its correctness and as the estimation for leaving (maintenance) of an animal (this condition of a wool, cleanliness of paws-soles) is put
Цитата(M_a_r_g_o @ 31.8.2007, 20:43) *

When we judge rabbits on display at us in Russia to look weight of the rabbit (we weigh on весы), measurement ears, a head, groats, to look color, its correctness and as the estimation for leaving (maintenance) of an animal (this condition of a wool, cleanliness of paws-soles) is put

Sounds pretty much like that we do in Sweden.
But do you have a point scale on your rabbits? We in Sweden have that (0-100).
How many rabbits are it on your exhibitions?
The standard of perfection ". At us half Czech, half Russian. At us in Russia 2 years are made multiple copies brought of Sweden a Siamese blue sable, breed the lop-eared ram

My friend himself went to Sweden behind these rabbits and has brought 6 pieces. Here some photos. It they already at us in Russia







On this the photo the mistress from Sweden at which bought these rabbits. Do not know it? The photo is made in Sweden about the house of this mistress of rabbits

Цитата(M_a_r_g_o @ 31.8.2007, 20:59) *

The standard of perfection ". At us half Czech, half Russian. At us in Russia 2 years are made multiple copies brought of Sweden a Siamese blue sable, breed the lop-eared ram

My friend himself went to Sweden behind these rabbits and has brought 6 pieces. Here some photos. It they already at us in Russia

On this the photo the mistress from Sweden at which bought these rabbits. Do not know it? The photo is made in Sweden about the house of this mistress of rabbits


I know who that breeder are. She have really good rabbits!

Funny that you importate rabbits from Sweden!
Yes we have scale of item on our rabbits (0-100) As well as in Sweden.

At exhibitions at us in Russia it is not a lot of rabbits. No more than 50 goals. (Rabbits) At us across Russia one qualified judge on rabbits. The cities remote from greater cities and settlements of an exhibition do not spend. There there are not enough owners of dwarfish rabbits. Dwarfish rabbits have appeared in Russia approximately 10 years ago.

Цитата(Amanda_Galfvensjo @ 31.8.2007, 21:06) *

I know who that breeder are. She have really good rabbits!

Funny that you importate rabbits from Sweden!

You know Maria Nordin? As the planet is close! It is funny valid. 2357c82f7797dc5b4944ecd932b763c4.gif

Amanda! It is possible to look somewhere your rabbits?
I am engaged only in cultivation dwarfish lop-eared rams. Our owners of rabbits have also other dwarfish breeds in cultivation. It very much is pleasant to me the lop-eared ram. They at me different on color. Recently has bought pair white the blue-eyed lop-eared ram in Latvia.

Come to us on a forum always. Иы are glad to dialogue with you. To us is about what to talk and tell. It was pleasant with you will get acquainted. My name Marina d1c00360044be5e4f29d33653a925a5a.gif

Amanda ! My rabbits. An album. Click on an icon and an input in this a category of color of rabbits an album. http://foto.mail.ru/mail/m_a_r_g_o2000/
Цитата(M_a_r_g_o @ 31.8.2007, 21:32) *

Amanda! It is possible to look somewhere your rabbits?
I am engaged only in cultivation dwarfish lop-eared rams. Our owners of rabbits have also other dwarfish breeds in cultivation. It very much is pleasant to me the lop-eared ram. They at me different on color. Recently has bought pair white the blue-eyed lop-eared ram in Latvia.
Come to us on a forum always. Иы are glad to dialogue with you. To us is about what to talk and tell. It was pleasant with you will get acquainted. My name Marina d1c00360044be5e4f29d33653a925a5a.gif

Amanda ! My rabbits. An album. Click on an icon and an input in this a category of color of rabbits an album. http://foto.mail.ru/mail/m_a_r_g_o2000/

You have really beutiful rabbits!

Here is some pictures of my rabbits:

New Zealand White males:

New Zealand White female:

Swedish fur males:

Trönder males:

I also have a Dwarf rabbit (not 100% pure breed):


beutiful rabbits flirt.gif
Dear Amanda, we watched the photos of your rabbits, i really enjoyed the photo of a young rabbit, the one of fur breed, dark colored. one can easily see the rabbit is very qurious. do you breed the rabbits for a long time already? where do you normally keep them? many of our breeders keep their rabbits in the houses, in their appartments.

Сool !!What ears!! 2357c82f7797dc5b4944ecd932b763c4.gif And dwarfish only one rabbit? This dwarfish lop-eared ram? It is similar to the Japanese color
Цитата(Гостья @ 1.9.2007, 12:21) *

Dear Amanda, we watched the photos of your rabbits, i really enjoyed the photo of a young rabbit, the one of fur breed, dark colored. one can easily see the rabbit is very qurious. do you breed the rabbits for a long time already? where do you normally keep them? many of our breeders keep their rabbits in the houses, in their appartments.

I have only breed rabbits for showing about 2 years (before that I breed just for fun).
I keep them outside in rabbit cages and in our barn. Can show you some photos tomorow.
In Sweden 99% of the breeders keep their rabbits outside in rabbit cages or in a barn.

How many rabbits does a normal breeder keep in Russia?

Yes now I only have one dwarf rabbit, before I have some more but I have sold them now.
The Dwarf are a Dwarf lop (Don't know what you call them in Russia) but he is to heavy for what a Dwarf lop should be in Sweden (He weights about 2kg). He is Japanese coloured.
At us in a countryside hold greater outside only in a warm season. In the winter in a shed. Zama at us cold happens. Rabbits will freeze. Dwarfish rabbits contain in houses, apartments. Quantity of rabbits at all рахное in the maintenance. At my place 11 dwarfish lop-eared rabbits.




At me there live rabbits so blush2.gif
Цитата(M_a_r_g_o @ 1.9.2007, 20:36) *




At me there live rabbits so blush2.gif

It's look neat and fine! =)
Thanks you! Here so at us basically there live dwarfish rabbits in apartments
Here is some of my outside rabbit cages:





I hope you don't think it's to ugly blush2.gif

I have about 25 adult rabbits at the moment.
Not ugly. These are usual street cells at you. At us in such cells rabbits live at whom the house in a countryside. For the winter are all the same cleaned in a special premise from a frost.
I wonder two other things:
Do you have a national rabbit association or some lokal association?
How old are the members in your rabbit association? How many youths/seniors?

The rabbit association in Sweden only have about 2,000 members. And very few youths members and that's very sad. The Swedish rabbit association should do more to promote rabbits..
В России нет ассоциации кролиководов...

В России есть заводчики кроликов (чаще беспородных... их 90%... породными в России мало кто занимается) и перекупщики кроликов (люди, которые делают на кроликах деньги)...

В России есть несколько клубов карликовых кроликов, чья деятельность крайне ограничена... проводятся выставки с балльной оценкой по городам - Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Тула, Краснодар, Новосибирск, Омск...

С кролиководами у нас занимается доктор наук, профессор Московской Ветеринарной Академии Шумилина Наталья Николаевна... она проводит оценку на выставках так как является официальным экспертом по кроликам и проводит курсы по кролиководству, стажирует будущих экспертов по кроликам... в основном по карликам... владельцы кроликов крупных пород выставки не проводят... они в основном коммерсанты и считают свои деньги... а выставки в России проводить убыточно в основной массе дело... а поддержки ниоткуда практически нет...
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